
1 -By scheduling a spot, we are unable to fill it with someone else.  Payment is required to hold a spot. Payment can be made by cash, check, credit card (with a 3% fee) or Venmo.  Venmo to @littleflippersswimacademy.

2- There is no refund for missed classes.  If we have openings at the same level, we are happy to offer them to a student who missed due to illness or emergency but we do not guarantee that we will be able to do so.

3-Please do not bring your child to class if they are ill and/or contagious.  Signs of illness include fever, diarrhea, vomiting, runny nose, cough, etc.  If the student or a member of their family has been in contact with or diagnosed with Covid-19, please notify us immediately.  For our protection and yours, we will not be able to do lessons for anyone potentially contagious.

4-Please leave pets or other items at home as they may create a distraction or danger to students and siblings.

5-Sibling Safety:  Playground equipment is available for sibling use during lessons.  However, we cannot assume responsibility for any injuries that might occur while using the equipment (trampoline, slides, swings, basketball court, tricycles, bicycles, etc.)  Parent Supervision is required for use of playground equipment.  To avoid injury, only one child should be on the trampoline at a time.

6-In the case of inclement weather, the pool will be safe and enclosed.  However, as lightning travels through the ground, we exit the pool if there is any concern.  We save Red Cross safety instruction in the house during lightning storms on the first bad weather day. Class will be rescheduled in the event that we have two or more lightning days that require us to exit the pool.

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